Mirror and probe

Thursday, October 23, 2008

what a way to start off my day.

It was raining in the morning.And it is still raining right now!!! don't the clouds get tired of non stop peeing? Rain + winds= small tornado.

This morning, I woke up by my time keeper that sits on my bed side table. Looking out of my window, there were dark evil clouds floating in the sky. I was demotivated by the gloomy weather to attend my lab at 9 am. However, the semangat jolin got up and showered. haha!

Walking to campus in this horrendous weather was a nightmare. droplets of water were hitting on my umbrella and idiot wind was hitting hard on my face. cheeky wind flipped my umbrella upward thrice. wth.

So I reached the laboratory at sharp 9 am. I was shocked to see no one was there. OH CRAP, did i get the time wrongly? quickly i sms-ed my friend, Nad to check with her.Turned out that my lab only starts at 10 am. So i went to the library to kill time and to check out for any cute early birds.haha! *content censored*...

Later at 10 am, i leave for my lab. AGAIN, i see no one. shocked. surprised. I reassured myself that the rain is preventing people from being on time. Thank god, a few seconds later, I saw michele walking towards me.

After quarter pass 10, only 4 of us( 3 malaysian incl me and 1 sporean) were sitting on the bench.where are the rest? haha! just us and some busy demonstraters around. after a couple of minutes later, pharmary students came in. huh? is it a combined lab? mich jumped off from her chair and went to speak to 1 of the demonstrator. Turned out, our lab is cancelled this week. crap! why has no one told us? even more crappier is i have walked under the storm early in the morning for no reason.

posted by Jojo @ 7:43 AM,


At October 23, 2008 at 12:09 PM, Blogger melwy said...

owwwww, kesian kesian, it can be quite frustrating to be conned by the timetable in ur case..
and i think lizard my ama oso like that today? her postout said she went thru the rain and the lecture was cancelled, pity pity lizards, huhu...  

At October 23, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Blogger iamlz said...

This comment has been removed by the author.  

At October 23, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Blogger iamlz said...

Pity pity lizardy jolin.. :(
How come the 2 of us so sui so similar today? Rained whole day, I went out in the rain and wind and reached Uni with a wet butt (wind blowing from behind, bringing the rain) and the lecture was cancelled!!

Grrr..not our day! X(  

At October 23, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Blogger Jim said...

lol bad lab day. hope next weeks will be better. :)  

At October 23, 2008 at 5:36 PM, Blogger yiewdean said...

how come you got so many *censored content*? haha..  

At October 27, 2008 at 3:32 AM, Blogger Jojo said...

Melwy: yeap,lizard n i have the same fate. when her place rains, my place rains too..

LZ: wet lizard... i understand how it feels now. it sucks!  

At October 27, 2008 at 3:35 AM, Blogger Jojo said...

dean: content censored? ohhh... worried there maybe underage kids like u who are possible to check on my post. haha! besides impurity of minds can turn imaginary more interesting.=)