Mirror and probe

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Best sis in the world!!!


My superb intelligent younger sister managed to recover my blog!!!

I tot it was 'missing' and nearly created another blog...

Guess what happen?!!!

I totally have a disease call long temporary memory lost..

I forgotten which gmail address I use for this blog...

U see,

I stupidly created 2 gmail accounts for no reason,

and I mixed up my email addresses...

How stupid can I be ryte?

I guess a pig like me is after all a lil dong dong...

Oh ya, thank you my dear loving sister!!!

Till my next boring post... hahaha

*cough cough*

posted by Jojo @ 12:43 AM, ,

Thursday, October 23, 2008

From me to you.

Recently, Lizard presented this award to me... lizard, didn't know u love me that much!!! haha! my mother -in law loves me!! i shall cook for her more often to win more of her heart?? maggi!!!! haha!! thanks so much, lizard!!!! my first award is from u! When lizard asked me to grab from her page, i thought there was some icon or something for me to click to accept her reward. i was scrolling up and down on her page. haha! finally, i gave up. rupa- rupanya, i need to save the pic n re post it. wuahahah!

With this award, i will love to present it to several lovable people in my life

-Lizard( I wonder if i can send it back to u?)

-Melissa( rommie who was stuck in the same room to see my nonsense)

-yilin( love to have u around for me to bully)

- cecilia ( my body guard)

-joann( my naughty sister who kacau me all the time.)

-jowee( i wonder if u have a blog now)

-siew lian( my crappy monkey who makes me laugh effortless)

- daddy n mommy( hope u can print the award out and put it up on the wall)

- wein( my most kindest senior).... ( wonder if u do visit my blog?.. haha! to noticed this award giving ceremony)

- dean, jim , audrey, charles, logen n the rest( for being the best mates i ever had from UTP)

- lil lian( my galway senior)

- Stuart mouse ( for being irritating)kiddin! hahha!

- others.............................................. who has no blog or no idea about this existance of this blog.

posted by Jojo @ 11:41 AM, ,

what a way to start off my day.

It was raining in the morning.And it is still raining right now!!! don't the clouds get tired of non stop peeing? Rain + winds= small tornado.

This morning, I woke up by my time keeper that sits on my bed side table. Looking out of my window, there were dark evil clouds floating in the sky. I was demotivated by the gloomy weather to attend my lab at 9 am. However, the semangat jolin got up and showered. haha!

Walking to campus in this horrendous weather was a nightmare. droplets of water were hitting on my umbrella and idiot wind was hitting hard on my face. cheeky wind flipped my umbrella upward thrice. wth.

So I reached the laboratory at sharp 9 am. I was shocked to see no one was there. OH CRAP, did i get the time wrongly? quickly i sms-ed my friend, Nad to check with her.Turned out that my lab only starts at 10 am. So i went to the library to kill time and to check out for any cute early birds.haha! *content censored*...

Later at 10 am, i leave for my lab. AGAIN, i see no one. shocked. surprised. I reassured myself that the rain is preventing people from being on time. Thank god, a few seconds later, I saw michele walking towards me.

After quarter pass 10, only 4 of us( 3 malaysian incl me and 1 sporean) were sitting on the bench.where are the rest? haha! just us and some busy demonstraters around. after a couple of minutes later, pharmary students came in. huh? is it a combined lab? mich jumped off from her chair and went to speak to 1 of the demonstrator. Turned out, our lab is cancelled this week. crap! why has no one told us? even more crappier is i have walked under the storm early in the morning for no reason.

posted by Jojo @ 7:43 AM, ,

Friday, October 17, 2008

2 monkeys and 1 blog.

Finally, I have my own blog. Personally, i am always too lazy to have a diary, so why do i deserve to have a blog? Partly is because i want to prove to Jo Ann that i can set up my own blog without my little sister's advice and help!! [Jo ann, i did it!] muahahaha!!! monkey sl, u are partly the reason for my newly born blog too.

hopefully, I will be rajin enough to update and maintain this blog instead of 24/7 facebooking. Man, I am addicted to facebook!

P/s: To the one who is using my room back home, please take care of my mooo mooo k. Thanks.

posted by Jojo @ 11:50 AM, ,